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Planning for your retirement

How much is enough ?

Knowing what type of retirement lifestyle you can achieve or knowing when you can retire doesn't need to be a mystery.


We can help you on how best to save for your retirement income, whether your plan is to; maximise your pension contributions, use your available pension allowance or work towards a retirement date, we can advise you every step of the way.

Do you know when you can afford to retire?

Our independent financial advisers are specialists in pension advice plus retirement planning and they can help you to:

  • Ensure that your current contributions are on target to reach your goals

  • Calculate when and how much money you will need in retirement

  • Review your existing investments held within your pensions to make sure they are achieving the growth you require at the appropriate level of investment risk for you

  • Use your annual allowance, and navigating the complex tapered annual allowance for higher earners

  • Make extra pension contributions using pension carry forward

  • Assess your pension against the lifetime allowance tax charge

A one size fits all approach doesn't work, your needs and objectives are individual to you. We believe what may be right for one person, won't necessarily be right for another. It is important that your circumstances, goals and options are assessed in detail before a decision is made. We work with you to build a retirement investment plan.

Continually reviewing your plan

Plans change, new opportunities arise and what you are doing at age 45- 50 could be completely different to when you reach 70 – they usually do! Throughout our relationship we will meet with you regularly to make sure your pensions and financial lifestyle plan will continue to meet your needs

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